Rejection is the key to success, offering the ultimate motivation to push harder and achieve greatness. As we can see that today’s world is actually a race in which everyone is participating to achieve the desired goal. It’s never easy and mostly have to face rejections which lead to the disappointments. But today let’s talk about that how rejection is actually a secret sauce to your success. The world around us is filled with numerous people actually the most successful people that have faced rejections several times but they take it as a challenge to prove themselves. Rejection actually gives us courage to bounce back stronger than ever.
It makes us determined. It gives us a chance to learn from our mistakes and improve ourselves. Rejections make us think out of the box and have variations and innovations in our ideas. It helps us to grow. It is challenging but we should embrace it as a part of our journey.
Some notable personalities encountered rejection but turned it into greatness.
WALT DISNEY: He is the mastermind behind one of the most entertaining cartoon company in the world but he faced multiple rejections after being told that he has lack of creativity and good ideas.

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STEVEN SPIELBERG: He is one of the most greatest directors of cinematic history. He was rejected from film school several times.

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J.K.ROWLING: The author of Harry Potter Series faced rejections from publishers before getting her book published and now she is one of the best selling author in history.

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Just remember that setbacks are just setups for comebacks!
Embrace your rejection. Take it as a lesson. Keep moving. Never let a “NO” stop you from achieving the destiny written for you. Keep on trying your goals are waiting for you.
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