Allenby Bridge Attack

Allenby Bridge Attack: Three Killed at Jordan-West Bank Border Crossing

So, there was this really sad news about an attack at the border between Jordan and the West Bank . Basically, three people were killed at the Allenby Bridge, which is the border crossing point.

The recent Allenby Bridge Attack at the Jordan-West Bank border has shocked many, with three Israeli civilians tragically killed in the violent incident.

The people who died were all from Israel and they were in their 50s.

Allenby Bridge Attack

Here’s what went down: some guy came from the Jordan side in a truck, stopped, got out, and started shooting. The security forces were quick to respond and they stopped the attacker right there. They’re also checking the truck to see if there were any bombs or something dangerous in it.

Because of this, Jordan closed their side of the border and they’re trying to figure out all the details of what happened.

This place where it all happened is controlled by Israel, and it’s where trucks from Jordan drop off goods that go into the West Bank. The bridge where this happened is super important because it’s the only official way to get between the West Bank and Jordan.That’s pretty much what’s going on. It’s really serious and pretty scary that things like this are happening.

Stay safe, everyone.

Also Read: UN Calls for Investigation into West Bank Shooting of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi

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Allenby Bridge Attack: Three Killed at Jordan-West Bank Border Crossing
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